
LMA Marketing + Advertising / Uncategorized  / Alpine Fence Case Study

Alpine Fence Case Study

Alpine Fence is a premier fencing expert in San Diego. They have been instrumental in providing top-notch fencing solutions to its customers. Alpine Fence offers an array of fencing products and is the solution to fencing needs.

Why Alpine Fence Came to LMA?

Like most businesses in the home improvement category, during the pandemic, Alpine Fence had more work than they could service. Therefore, marketing was not a necessity. As the pandemic ended, Alpine Fence quickly realized the importance of marketing strategies to recapture the interest of consumers needing a fence. Their website traffic was minimal, resulting in fewer customer inquiries and declining sales. LMA recognized enhancing online visibility would attract more potential customers and boost business activity.

What Did LMA do?

LMA utilized targeted Google Ads services to address Alpine Fence’s challenges. By creating and optimizing their SEO and PPC ad campaigns, LMA significantly enhanced their digital presence on Google Search. This strategic approach included crafting compelling ad creative and using precise targeting methods to reach potential customers effectively.


The digital marketing efforts by LMA yielded impressive results for Alpine Fence Inc. In Q1 2024, Alpine saw an increase in calls and overall engagement, driving more traffic to their website and boosting their online visibility. The Google Ads campaigns generated 207,308 impressions and 23,800 clicks, reflecting a strong interest in their services. The click-through rate (CTR) was 11.47%, indicating highly effective ad performance. Additionally, the campaigns led to 341 calls from prospective clients, demonstrating a significant impact on lead generation. The website also saw a substantial increase in traffic, with 15,863 users visiting, highlighting the success of the enhanced digital presence.

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