Best Ways To Utilize Amazon OTT
Utilize Amazon OTT (over-the-top) advertising for an effective way to enhance your marketing efforts and increase your brand’s reach. Amazon OTT runs ads on Amazon-affiliate sites like IMDb.com, Twitch, and Fire TV. The difference between OTT and traditional TV advertisements, is that OTT runs on specific apps instead of cable TV. The advantage of Amazon OTT advertising, is that it allows you to specifically target ads towards a more engaged and likely to purchase audience than that of traditional TV advertising. Amazon gives advertisers access to a long history of customer data in relation to shopping interest, which helps effectively target your audience. Below are some tips to setting up your OTT advertisements in the most effective way.
Identify and target your audience
Before starting anything else, it is important you accurately identify your audience and their characteristics. Understanding your audience and how best to reach them is crucial in creating advertisements that will yield results. If you don’t already have this information, you should look into the age, gender, location, and interests of your customers. Next decide where best to reach this audience. Amazon OTT allows you to narrowly define and target your audience. For example, if you are a fitness brand, Amazon can target people interested in fitness, health, dieting, and more.
Set specific goals and track effectiveness
Once you have created your advertisement, it is important to clearly decide your goals and process of measuring success. With OTT advertisements you will only get the audience impressions as a statistic, so it takes more analysis to track the effectiveness of an OTT advertisement. For example, tracking click-through-rates on similarly branded advertisements, will then allow you to track a customer’s path to your website. It will also track any purchase, sign-up, or any other desired action. Tracking this information is important because it shows you how effective your video advertisements are.
Create different content for different audiences
Once you have identified your audience, it’s important to create content accordingly. For our fitness brand example, if you are targeting fitness fanatics your advertisement should take an approach that resonates with active, health conscious people. If you decide to also target individuals interested in losing weight, then your ad should be adjusted to resonate with this audience.
Using Amazon OTT advertising is an effective way to target a specific demographic of potential customers. Amazon allows access to a large database of customer purchases and searches, so it is one of the most effective in reaching potential customers. Once a potential customer is presented with a video advertisement through an Amazon supported streaming service, they can then be further targeted with similarly branded display ads. Their path to purchase can be traced to help measure the effectiveness of your advertisement.
How LMA Utilizes OTT
At LMA, we utilize OTT, Amazon Targeting, and Display advertising for our client La Jolla Cosmetic. LMA creates branded commercials for specific services and products of LJC, like CoolSculpting. Once the video was produced, we targeted Amazon users who search or purchase weight loss products, diet pills, shape-wear, etc. The advertisements were served to the custom targeted demographic via OTT and connected TV platforms. Once they had been served the video ads via streaming TV, we served display ads with mirrored creative to the video. The CoolSculpting display ads could be clicked on to lead the customer to a web page. LMA was able to follow the customer journey from their initial click to the final conversion.