
LMA Marketing + Advertising / Uncategorized (Page 3)
The Super Dentists

The Super Dentists Case Study

Why The Super Dentists Came to LMA The Super Dentists are a highly accredited dentist group located across San Diego county and provide a unique approach to their pediatric and adult dentistry. These superhero dentists hired LMA back in 2012 for Television and Radio media buying with the goal to increase foot traffic and gain more patients across the San Diego County. What Did LMA Do? After just 6 months of working with our team and as a direct result of building trust and success with our original media buying, we were hired for additional PR,  Non-Profit affiliations, and any other business opportunities LMA could help solve. Our biggest focus for their marketing strategy is Digital TV and Radio advertisements through TV networks like PBS. After analyzing data, our team and The Super Dentists determined that our target audience are women and small children, however, our main focus was the kids. In short, our...

Cal Private Bank

CalPrivate Bank Case Study

Why CalPrivate Bank Came to LMA CalPrivate Bank - has various locations in beach cities scattered across Southern California. The Bank's focus is to provide a distinctly different banking experience through unparalleled service and creative funding solutions to individuals and businesses with complex financial needs. They offer a wide array of modern financial services, and their real estate lending group specializes in investor commercial properties, owner-occupied buildings, and construction loans. Prior to 2017 “San Diego Bank”, the parent company, operated their (5) locations with different names: Coronado Private Bank, La Jolla Private Bank, etc. In 2017, they announced a corporate name change to CalPrivate Bank and this is where LMA came in. CalPrivate came to us in hopes of rebranding their bank franchise and creating unity under one brand in order to align all their divisions. What Did LMA Do? LMA orchestrated a complete rebranding campaign for the CalPrivate Bank name change across multiple...

Jeff Fisher Managing Partner

30 Questions With Jeff Fisher

Today we wanted to ask Jeff Fisher, the Managing Partner at LMA, a series of rapid fire questions to get to know him a bit better. Here’s what we found out:   How long have you been working with LMA? 10 years When you were ten, what did you want to be when you grew up? A profession baseball or football player Do you have a nickname? Fish When are you most inspired? Early morning, when I work out at 5 a.m.  What college did you go to? West Virginia University, Home of the Mountaineers Are you a coffee or tea drinker in the morning? Coffee What’s your favorite book to read while you sip your coffee or tea? Any book dealing with business, I really like Patrick Lencioni’s “The Five dysfunctions of a Team” What is your favorite movie? The Godfather What is your favorite sport, team? Football,the Pittsburgh Steelers ...

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